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Meraih Predikat Distinction Ujian ABRSM Royal – Cherinne Isabell Tanuwijaya

    Sekolah musik Dutanada menerima hasil ujian ABRSM Performance Exam untuk bulan Juli 2022. Ada 4 murid yang ikut ujian. 1 murid mendapat Distinction (score diatas 130), dan 3 murid mendapat “Merit” (score diatas 120). Suatu prestasi yang baik, dan memang rata-rata 70% murid kami mendapatkan Merit to Distinction dari awal sekolah musik Dutanada berdiri.

    Perhatian kami kali ini ada pada Cherinne Isabelle Tanuwijaya, berumur 10 tahun, kelas 6 SD. Anak yang mempunyai hobi membaca dan mengambar ini, dari Grade 1 ujian ABRSM telah mendapatkan predikat Distinction. Pada Grade 2, dia juga meraih predikat yang sama. Nilai yang diraih untuk Grade 2 adalah 141, nilai yang cukup tinggi, dimana ada 11 point melebihi minimum nilai Distinction (130).

    Untuk ujian ABRSM Performance Exam, murid memainkan 4 lagu yang direkam. Tiap lagu mempunyai bobot nilai 30, dan nilai performance – tata cara penyampaian ujian juga diberi bobot 30. Sehingga total menjadi 150.

    Pada lagu ke 2, Cherinne mendapat nilai maksimum, yaitu 30. Dan komentar dari penguji adalah sebagai berikut:

    Lagu 1 – Hässler: Ecossaise in G (No. 23 from 50 pièces à l’usage des commençans, Op. 38) – Score 28/30

    Examiner comment: There was a pleasing clarity to the phrasing of the RH 3-note figure. Central bars were largely clear in the playing of the 3rds, and you showed hints of an effective dynamic contrast here. An accurate reading of the notes.

    Lagu 2 – Trad. English: O Waly Waly, arr. Davies- Score 30/30

    Examiner comment: A lovely feeling of poise in the tempo with the LH projecting clearly over the chords. The RH music was even in tone and this was a highly musical playing- well done!

    Lagu 3 – Brian Chapple: March Hare (No. 5 from In the Pink) – Score 27/30

    Examiner comment: You noted the ‘quite fast’ indication mostly convincingly- just a little breathless. Dynamics needed further exploring, but a strong sense of rhythmic drive throughout, only missing a little of the humour.

    Lagu 4 – Christopher Norton: Inter-City Stomp (No. 7 from Microjazz Collection 2)

    Examiner comment – While you were playing a little faster than the composer’s indication, losing a little of the piece’s character, you caught the ‘bite’ of the syncopated rhythms well. The quieter chords were given due poise and an effective colour, with some panache in the final octave statement to close your performance.

    Performance as a whole

    Examiner comment: From the outset this was a musically authoritative account with a clear level of conviction throughout. The highlight for this listener was the second piece, which was so musical in its shaping and legato phrasing. Just a few tempi were a little on the fast side to be fully suitable, but this was a performance that was accurate in pitch and kept the attention of the audience until the last note. Bravo!

    Untuk mendapatkan nilai tersebut, tentu Cherinne dipersiapkan baik oleh gurunya, karena tiap prestasi murid adalah prestasi dari guru.

    Apakah Anda ingin putra/putri Anda mendapatkan prestasi ujian ABRSM seperti ini? Silahkan hubungi kami.